How to wear a mini skirt

How to wear a mini skirt

Mini skirt01

Mini skirts can be worn with just about anything! I definately like to wear my mini skirt with my bikini. It is just the right cover up for the bottom half of you while the top half can still get sunshine! I had a few old pair of jeans and I would just cut them off at the crotch, very precise mind you, and walla! The perfect mini skirt for the frugal at heart. I also like to see them nice and hemmed and courderoy, dark chocolate brown would be my personal favorite. I like the way people wear them nowadays with leggings and layers of two tops and cute belts and accessories. I have one that is way too big that I roll up two or three times at the waist which semi hides that dreadfull unwanted belly flab. It is distressed at the bottom and I wear it with my college logo sweatshirt/hoody with an ankle bracelet and some K-swiss tennis shoes with no socks, a tip for mini skirt wearers is to make sure you take a trip or two to the tanning bed or get some sunshine on those legs, anyone who tries to sport a mini skirt with ghastly white legs should only do so if you are posing for a fashion add, representing the pale and overly peakid. Mini skirts are a work of art waiting to be decorated.

author, Sydney Rosemond

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