Thanks to Honey-Sama
In the Japan, the word " Sailor " immediately makes think of the school girls, because Sailor suit (or Sailor Fuku) is the uniform which the Japanese youngster go to class with. In reality, the uniform varies tremendously according to schools and it is possible to determine the provenance of the pupils which you come across in the street according to the uniforms.
There are two uniforms, one for summer and the other for winter. The girls do not decide on themselves weather they wear the one or the other one: the "Koromo-gae" (ehich mean change of clothes) where they choose from this uniform to the other one. It takes place in October and in June. It is impossible to infringe the rule and if the temperature changes an so are the uniform, it goes well for them... Essential difference between the uniforms of winter and summer the length of sleeves(handles) and skirt. As to said there are a lot of styles different from sailor suits in most part are similar design fashion of a marine or white blue jacket with sailor collar (where the name come from), some people are with a knot in the collar, others with a pin of necktie, or else with opened collar. Skirts are mostly pleated, but their length is very variable: some people are long and others short and even sometimes very very short. The colour of the uniform is blue marine as the color uniform of the serviceman also gris of whites, reds, yellow, white and blue, overalls are whites.
Although there are various style, the schools have tendency to adopt an uniform which are the "standard" uniform, that is a white jacket with a sailor collar and manchettes of blue colour. The collar is closed with a red neckerchief or sometimes blue knot. The bottom is made up of a pleated blue marine long or short skirt. They areanother characteriztic of a " japonese school chorus girl " today, they are call " Shigar socks ": it is a phenomenon of fashion which takes consideration proportions in Japan nowadays. It effect the obligation to wear it in air-conditioning uniforms throughout the journey, the Japanese youngster are very much means to create a style which allow them to keep warm. " Loose socks " are one big socks definitely glue over of their taille and thread them by top, wearing this socks by making them from underside of knees. Some people use glue to support in place. This socks has a tendency to resemble the legs of an elephants. For road safety the " loose socks " took so much attendtion, and it is must to wear a " loose socks ". When a new pupil arrives, she must wear her former uniform few days so that all pupils know her presence visit.
When does the " Sailor suit " starts ?
Uniforms are based sur model them dress servicemen of acoustics epoch Meiji, themselves already model of the uniforms of European's navy. Perspective made, the sailor suit fut introduced(inserted) in 1628 en wireless uniform in marine English. In 1840s, the prince Edward VII was photographed à the age of five years in costume of sailor. It was the start of everything and the sailor suit became aussitôt in the fashion in Europe to dress the young children, as well textile boys as them tea. Au the same theatre(instant), the Japan entra for its period of modernization by copying all that came from Occident. The girls stopped Kimono alors of porter, the traditional costume, and starts à get dressed in European fashion, that is, there sailor suit, very fashionable in Europe in ce instant there. A to leave of this epoch, the sailor follows is going to remain profoundly tied(attached) just like the girls untill today.